Publisher est. 2016
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Cat Hepburn

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Cat has been performing spoken word regularly for over four years.

Her work has featured on the stage (BB6 Music, supporting John Cooper Clarke, Electric Fields and Edinburgh Fringe), radio (BBC Radio Scotland) and on television (BBC Scotland, STV).

She also writes bespoke poems for other people’s special occasions, in addition to corporate commissions.

Her first collection #GIRLHOOD was also a fringe show of the same name, keep an eye out for Cat, who’s got more stuff coming in the next year!

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How to drink, smoke and talk at the same time.

Have a bath at least once a month 
(in addition to daily showers).

Don’t use fitting rooms in shops.

NEVER let the truth get in the way of a good story. 

Do not waste wine. Ever.

Put a little bit of money aside every month
into a bank account named ‘Running Away.’ 

Just in case.


MONSTER [part one]

When she was a wee girl
monsters came fae stories in books
and cartoons 
and sometimes
they were hiding under her bed

They were strange and scary and mysterious 
all hairy with sharp claws
deadly red eyes
and oddly shaped heads